Monday, August 2, 2010

more bug bites.

our very small, but happy little crop of potatoes has finally been dug, some fall crops started (see cabbages above), and we have eaten quite fat off the land the last week or so. i made a fantastic carrot/coconut soup, tons of pesto, and a few yummy summer pastas featuring squash/eggplant/tomatoes. the news has finally come through and we officially own 1/3rd of an acre close by to our house. the work really begins in the next week or so as we start building fence, mowing everything down, and tilling. i am fairly useless during most of this process, but i will help by very best! there is sooooo much work to be done, but our goal is to have some fall crops from that space, and if nothing else, it will really begin it's action when we plant garlic in november.
rickey has done the only canning in the house so far, he made some pickles last week from his momma's cucumbers. she sent us home with a crazy amount of the squash we grew at her house, tons of her own canned items, and more cucumbers this weekend.....i'm not sure if we'll catch up.
as of now though....i'm really just waiting for those watermelon.