Friday, June 25, 2010

garlic, etc.

as my desire for fresh tomatoes grows stronger, i find myself encouraging the little green guys in the mornings. fresh out of bed, coffee in hand; explaining how happy they will make me when they grow up big and red. in the meantime, i pull a jar of canned tomatoes from the previous summer to make a "holdover" gazpacho. this week has meant a lot of time with appliances. a batch of walnut pesto, which made for some delicious sandwiches and tomato blendin started it off. then another semi-failed attempt at bread. too dense still. more practice. god bless you kitchen-aid.
ah...the garden. we began lifting some garlic. they are beautiful and it's wonderful to finally see the first thing we ever planted together come out of the ground. oh, and the zinnias are making their appearance, FINALLY! still waiting on the big blooms to show their stuff on the now 3 FOOT TALL marigolds. it just seems so wild that they have achieved such height, but without big bloomin. meanwhile, chard still maintains, sugar snaps are growing to a close, and carrots got a bit of extra mulch this week.
oh, and cross your fingers for a touch of rain.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

beeting the heat. wow, i didn't know i could be so lame.

first post solstice post:
it's f-ing hot. lucky for me we have air conditioning and water. the garden has recently been spotted with a visitor that i have identified as a groundhog. he is most definitely unwelcome, as i find carrot tops missing occasionally. although, i didn't mind him snacking on some bolting lettuce, however, i fear for his life if rickey ever comes across his fat, furry body.
looks as if the garlic is ready for drying. after pulling the pea trellis, we used it to dry a few cloves for storage.
the beets have been fantastic. the most recently harvested were roasted on the grill. they store very well in the fridge, and have been pulled out for occasional salads. the photo above features the roasted chiccoggas with goat cheese in a homemade honey balsamic dressing.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


it's almost time to say our goodbye's to the most northern pea trellis. our purple podded beauties were gorgeous but not heavy producers. we are still deciding what to rotate in. no surprises, my husband wants a 3rd crop of radishes. the kale is growing like crazy. leaves reaching close to 2' long at times, four plants is BEYOND enough for two people. pulled a few carrots last night as an experiment. one was already trying to make it to seed, and after pulling it we realized it was sick with root fly. we nervously pulled a few more...everyone looks fine, but tastes as if they need some more time in the ground. potatoes are blooming, and if reality is anything similar to the bizarre dreams i have had recently, we will be blessed with more potatoes than we can handle.
now that weeding is really at a minimum and the worst of the work is over, we watch things grow and plan for all the preserving. half-pint, pint, quart, and half gallon jars litter all the space in our house. we received a dehydrator for the wedding from my mom, so i anticipate some dried tomatoes and fruits as well. the freezer is already stocked with several bags of strawberries from rickey's parents' alongside some cookies i made recently. the tomatoes are blooming like crazy, so the next week or so will be dedicated to finding the perfect salsa recipe.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


recently i've been thinking about creating a garden blog. we began a journal as we started seed, but it seems this isn't the most effective way for me to keep up with the details.
so, this space will be a record of growth events and failures, along with what happens in the kitchen with the results (not only from our space, but also our friends, family and neighbors at market).
recently; we have finally weeded/aerated out the madness of the garlic, made lots of green eggs with kale and chard, killed many slugs, had many visitors, and i've had crazy potato dreams.